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What Is CBD?

There’s no doubt that cannabis can have a range of effects on sleep, as it has been proven to not only help us fall asleep faster but also stay asleep longer and experience a more restful sleep cycle. Please see our product pages for specific information on how to use our CBD oils and other CBD products. Topical CBD oil is not going to completely get rid of pain in arthritis patients. Nonetheless, a drug test that identifies CBD as THC could have serious consequences. There is much discussion on how legal CBD is , and where it is legal to take it. One matter that is often raised is whether or not you can drive after taking CBD, since it is illegal to drive after using cannabis, the plant CBD is taken from.

Read on to navigate the murky waters of drug testing if you use CBD products. CBD is one of the more than 100 chemical compounds found in the cannabis plant, which produces both marijuana and industrial hemp. Studies have been done to show that CBD helps reduce inflammation and treat pain caused by swelling.

What they found was while this cannabis derivative is gaining significant recognition as of late in the world of wellness , people that use CBD are at an elevated risk for liver toxicity. However, some manufacturers add just enough CBD to their products so they can call them CBD products, but the items contain as little as 2 mg of CBD, which is probably CBD one not enough CBD to produce any effects.

Although not particularly related to joints in, several other studies indicate that CBD has the potential for treating chronic pain. Hemp-derived cannabinoids have been shown in numerous studies to reduce inflammation, which may help with exercise-related soreness and arthritis. Sometimes a balanced ratio of CBD with a little percentage of THC could have a greater therapeutic effect in some chronic health conditions than pure CBD oil alone.

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